School Uniform
There are hundreds of second hand uniform pieces available at £1 each. Please visit Falconbrook Second Hand Uniform Shop now – use the link HERE. Alternatively visit the school office for more information.
New Falconbrook School Uniform can be purchased online at or over the phone on 020 8544 5440 (option 1 then option 1 again).
A number of school uniform items can also be purchased at local supermarkets. Please see our School Uniform Policy for information.
School uniform for all children
All clothing to be clearly marked with your child’s name.

Blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo – all children must have either a sweatshirt or a cardigan with the Falconbrook logo.
White polo shirt
Plain dark grey or black trousers/skirt
Plain black shoes
Plain blue/black/grey Hijab
Summer Uniform
Blue and White summer dress
Plain dark grey, black shorts
PE (physical sports) kit
Plain white t-shirt
Navy blue shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Black plimsolls/trainers
PE kits remain in school for the whole half term.
Swimming Kits – your child should bring in their swimming costume and towel for their swimming lessons. Goggles are also allowed.