

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Falconbrook is:  Sarah Pieniek-Jones – Head Teacher.  The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) at Falconbrook School are:  Rachel Steer – Assistant Head and  Katie McCombe – Inclusion Lead.    Falconbrook school aims to ensure that our pupils are safe and happy.   As such we fully recognise our child protection duty to ensure that: 
  • We provide a safe environment in which children can learn and develop 
  • We take swift and appropriate action to safeguard and promote children’s welfare 
  • Staff are fully aware of their statutory responsibilities in respect to safeguarding and are well trained in recognising and reporting safeguarding concerns 
  • We consistently monitor the well-being and safety of all children, including those where we may have concerns regarding their welfare or safety 
  • Should concerns arise regarding the suspected abuse of a child this information will be shared with the relevant external agencies. 
  Please read our safeguarding documents Links to Safeguarding Documents