Remote Education

Falconbrook Primary School > Our School > Remote Education

In the event of a national or local lockdown requiring pupils to remain at home Falconbrook School will put plans for remote education in place outlined in this document.

To ensure children’s equal access to remote learning Falconbrook’s remote learning plan has taken into consideration the age, SEND status, the child’s access to devices and to the internet and parent/carers understanding of English. We have also given thought to how we may reduce demand on parents when their child is working at home.

Specific lessons have been taught to prepare children for remote learning. Lessons have included how to use Microsoft Teams and have focused on the learning behaviours the children needed for success when learning at home.

What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

Where necessary a pre-prepared remote learning pack will be set.  All classes have a remote learning pack which can be accessed immediately.

Will my child be taught the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

We teach the same curriculum as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adjustments e.g. including links to websites and videos that will support their learning from home.

How many hours of work will my child be expected to do at home?

KS2: Years 3,4,5 & 64 hours a day (DfE guidance)
KS1: Year 1 & 23 hours a day (DfE guidance)
EYFS1 – 2 hours a day (approximately) 

How will my child access their remote learning?

All remote learning is delivered on Microsoft Teams

If my child doesn’t have a laptop/ device or enough data, how will you support them to access their remote education?

We have a limited number of devices that we can loan to families during lockdown periods. You child’s a class teacher will check your child’s access to a device and to data. Where a child has no device or inadequate data this is followed-up on an individual basis by school, and arrangements are put in place to support. Paper copies of learning packs can be available for collection from the school office as requested. In exceptional circumstances, learning packs may be hand delivered, by staff members, to the child’s home. Parents can contact school to ask about this support by emailing

How will my child be taught remotely?

Lesson and learning take place every day.–
The day starts with a morning message from the class teacher which includes an outline of the learning day.
Teachers will provide the teaching slides and lesson activity, daily, for 1 math’s, 1 writing and 1 additional topic/PSHE lesson
Learning set will look the same as the lessons the children usually have in class and will include Falconbrook’s teaching and learning expectations that the children are already familiar with e.g., the use of success criteria, small steps.
The learning will be meaningful, with purpose and ambitious.
Where appropriate/necessary videos of lesson slides and verbal explanations will also be included.·
Teachers and teaching assistants are available on Teams to support children throughout the school day, children can send messages and talk about their work on the class work wall.
Teachers and teaching assistants will telephone children (parents) to discuss any work worries that may be highlighted during the school day.
Additional daily tasks are provided by the teacher with recommended websites or BBC lessons that link to, or compliment the children’s class work. These include White Rose lesson videos (math’s); PE with Joe Wicks; Sumdog math’s and grammar practise activities; BusyThings lessons.
All children are expected to continue with daily reading at home and daily practice of math’s ‘simmering’ skills. Class teachers will provide guidance for accessing online books and the focus of math’s practice for their classes / individual pupils.
Class teachers pre- record a daily ‘Drop Everything And Read’ (DEAR) story telling session.·
A live class assembly is held for each class with their class teachers, and TA.
Class teachers or teaching assistants will call each child / parent at least once a week to check-in on their learning and to discuss any concerns or worries.

How much work do you expect my child to do, and what support should parents provide at home?

Children: We expect all children to engage in their remote learning every day and to use the class work wall to discuss their work and chat with their teachers or TAs during the learning day. We expect children to do all of the remote work that is provided each day. If they do not engage in their remote learning it will be difficult for them to catch-up when they return to school after the lockdown. Teachers and TAs are available during usual school hours to help and support. If your child needs help, please remind them to use the class work wall to chat with their teachers. Your child should return their completed work at the end of each school day. Teachers are notified when children return their work and are then able to give them feedback.

Parents: Parents can support their children at home by setting up routines for the day. Using a timetable like the one they have at school could help. This should include:
1. Agreeing the times, your child will start and finish the different pieces of work they must do.
2. Agreeing the times and duration of the breaks your child can have across the day.
3. Deciding the time, they will finish their work.
4. 4pm: Time we expect children to hand in all their completed work. 

Discussing and agreeing the daily routine with your child will help them to feel part of the decision-making process and can motivate them to follow the agreed timetable. Older children will be able to set themselves up on Teams each day; younger children may need their parents to help them with this. We understand that parents may need adjust the times that children do their work to fit in with other arrangements. If you need any support with this please speak to your child’s teacher or TA when they phone you, or contact school at 

How will you check if my child is doing their work and how will I be informed of any concerns?

The remote learning system we are using, Microsoft Teams, notifies your child’s teacher when they have started their work and when they have handed it in. It also alerts them when your child has not accessed their work. If a child does not do their work, their teacher will contact you by phone to you to let you know. If teachers are unable to contact parents they will continue trying. Continued concerns about non-contact with families will be referred onto the Head Teacher.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

We assess the children’s progress from the work that they complete and return each day. This includes them handing in samples of their work. Teachers use this returned work to identify each child’s understanding of their learning and use this information to plan the children’s work for the next day (this formative assessment is part of our usual teaching practice at Falconbrook).Where it is clear that a child has misunderstood their learning, or they have made mistakes your child’s teacher or TA will contact them the next day to explain the learning to them and talk about any misunderstandings they may have. Teachers will acknowledge the receipt of the child’s work on Teams and provide brief feedback. Teachers and TAs are also available to give feedback on the class wall throughout the day. It is important that all children use the class wall daily so that they can have immediate and regular feedback on their learning. Your child’s teacher or TA will also contact you by phone each week to talk about your child’s work and learning.

Support for pupils with additional or SEND needs.

We will continue to provide additional support for children with additional or SEND needs, in line with the support they usually receive at school. This may include:

– Adjusting the classwork provided for the child’s class.
– Remote intervention sessions
– Remote sessions with specialist teachers.
– Additional work tailored to the child’s specific needs. 

This support is overseen by our SENCo and is delivered by the TAs or specialist teachers who work with your child at school. If you have questions or concerns the SENCo can be contacted at 

If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, will they still be able to work remotely?

Yes. We will provide remote learning as described above for all children who are unable to attend school if they must self-isolate. In this situation our Education Welfare Officer will contact you to make sure you are able to access your child’s learning remotely, and to help with any additional arrangements.

Websites your child’s teacher may recommend to support your child’s learning

  • BusyThings – A range of activities and games to support all subjects. Your child’s teacher has assigned specific work that your child can complete also.

  • j2e – This website has several different programs for your child to complete learning activities. When they have saved their files, they can share it with their teacher by using the email

  • Scholastics Reading Pro – Several fiction and non-fiction books to read on any device. Your child will be assigned books to read by their teacher.
  • Sumdog – Activities and games to deliberately practise Math’s skills and spellings. Your child’s teacher has assigned activities specifically for their class to complete and can track their progress.

  • White Rose Home Learning – Daily 20/30 Math’s lessons as a video and accompanying question sheets following the scheme and calculation policy we use at school. It also has the answers!

  • Ruth Miskin YouTube channel – Daily phonics videos for your child to watch following the phonics scheme we use at school.

  • BBC Bitesize Daily – Daily 20/30-minute TV shows which include learning in English and Math’s. You can also access in on BBC iPlayer.

  • PE with Joe Wicks – Daily PE lessons which can be done in your living room or bedroom.