
Reading and Number Skills Practise

We expect all children to read and practise their number skills at home every day. This may be a combination of:

  • Reading/practising alone
  • Reading/practising with an older member of the family
  • Being read to by someone else.
  • Practising through games.
Age groupSuggested readingTime spent each evening
Nursery & ReceptionBeing read to by an older member of the family.10 minutes
Year 1 & Year 2Sharing a book or being read to by an older member of the family.10 – 20 minutes
Year 3 & Year 4Sharing a book or reading independently (if a confident reader).20 – 30 minutes
Year 5 & Year 6Reading with an older member of the family or independently.30 – 45 +  minutes
Age groupSuggested Number skillsTime spent each evening
Nursery & ReceptionCounting forward and backward from 10. Singing number songs10 minutes
Year 1 & 2Number bonds to 10. 2,5 and 10 times tables.10 – 20 minutes
Year 3 & 4Times tables up to 12. Adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers.20 – 30 minutes
Year 5 & 6Times tables up to 12. Adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers.30+ minutes

Websites to support your child’s learning


  • BusyThings – A range of activities and games to support all subjects, in particular phonics and maths. Good for children aged 3 to 7. LGFL USO log in needed.
  • Sumdog – Activities and games to deliberately practise Maths skills and spellings. Your child’s teacher has assigned activities specifically for their class to complete and can track their progress. Sumdog log in needed.

1-Minute Maths App | White Rose Maths

  • An app you can download to a phone or tablet it helps children build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!

j2blast (j2e.com)

  • Games to support spelling, times tables and arithmetic. LGFL USO log in needed.

Primary Homework Help | Online Games for Kids – BBC Bitesize

  • Games and activities to support all subjects.

Times tables games – Learn them all here!

  • Games to help learn times tables.

Home (languageangels.com)

  • Games to support learning the French language.

Username: falconbrook

Password: falconbrook

Computing KS2 – Dance Mat Typing – BBC Bitesize

  • Practise activities to support typing skills.

Links to all websites can be found on www.rmunify.com Use your child’s Teams log in to access.

Please ask your class teacher if you need any log in details.