2 Year Old Admissions
All you need to know about applying for a place for 2 Year Olds
Early Years Foundation Stage at Falconbrook Primary School is specially designed to enable children from diverse backgrounds to settle happily into school routines and gain confidence within the learning environment, creating a strong foundation for their successful advancement to KS1 and KS2.
It begins with home visits to gain insight and understanding of the individual child before school starts to ensure relevant resources and support are available during the settling period. When school terms commences, teachers devote efforts to:
- Building and improving children’s language skills
- Creating inviting learning environments
- Providing resources and opportunities to encourage independent creative exploration and increase engagement in their learning.
See a day in the life of a 2 year old in this video.
All of the children’s learning is based upon their own interests and fascinations. EY pupils feel happy and secure, are exceptionally engaged in learning and make strong progress in reading and writing at Falconbrook Primary School.

2 Year Old Places
Our 2 year old provision offers part time places. Our part time offer is 15 hours a week, which is made up of five half days. These part-time afternoon sessions run from 1pm to 3.30pm Monday-Friday.
2 Year Old Admissions criteria
The school will consider applications for the beginning of each academic year for children who have turned 2 prior to 1st September of the academic year in following order:
- Looked after children and those who ceased to be looked after children because they have been adopted, or because they became subject to a residence order, child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.
- Children with a brother or sister currently attending the school and who will still be at the school when the child is admitted.
- Other children in order of straight-line distance from home to school as measured by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.
For children who turn two during an academic year –if places are available, pupils will be offered a part-time place in the term after their second birthday.
Making the Application
The following documents are needed to support your application (please see our Privacy Notice to tell you how we use data);
- Proof of Address (council tax or utility bill).
- Identity check (passport or birth certificate)
- Red Immunisation book
The office staff will be happy to answer any queries about childcare or the application process in person or on 0207 228 7706 / admin@falconbrook.net.